La Carta Europea de Llengües Minoritàries o Regionals fon un acort ratificat pels estats membres del Consell d'Europa - entre ells, Espanya -, per a la defensa i promoció de totes les llengües d'Europa, firmat en Estrasburc, el 5 de novembre de 1992, en el que la llengua valenciana està inclosa i calificada com a Idioma amenaçat per ser un idioma discriminat i perseguit en la Comunitat Valenciana. En l'actualitat, el quart informe sobre Espanya del Comité d'experts del Consell d'Europa l'han ratificat i diferèncien el valencià del català.
En dit informe de la UE, datat en 22 de setembre de 2015, i titulat (en anglés) 10.2 European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, en el punt 1 del Sumari diu lo següent:
Spain ratified the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in April 2001. The Charter entered into force in Spain in August 2001. It grants special protection under its Part III to the co-official languages in the Autonomous Communities: Catalan in the Balearic Islands, Basque in the Basque Country, Aranese and Catalan in Catalonia, Galician in Galicia, Basque in Navarre, and Valencian in Valencia.
En el punt 3.2.5 titulat Valencian in Valencia, també parla de la cooficialitat del valencià i del castellà:
538. According to the information provided in the third periodical report, the linguistic zoning determined by the 1983 Law on the Use and Teaching of Valencian, into Valencian and Castilian-speaking areas (based on historical criteria) only refers to the field of education. According to the same law, Valencian is a co-official language in the whole territory of Valencia, and in practice local authorities choose their language of preference in line with this zoning (either monolingual Castilian or Valencian, or bilingual). All citizens have the right to use Valencian before authorities in the entire territory of Valencia.
I en el punt següent, parla sobre els resultats de l'última enquesta (2010) i l'opinió de la població sobre el valencià:
539. According to information provided in the fourth periodical report, in 2010 a general survey was conducted into the use and knowledge of Valencian. A summary of the data obtained in this survey is available at: The most important outcome is that 96.1% of the population within the Valencian-speaking region understand Valencian. It was also found that 76.7% of the entire population can speak Valencian (this proportion rises to 82.4% in the Valencian-speaking region). The most important factors in acquiring proficiency in the spoken language are family and school. In the whole region, 85.9% of the population, and 89.3% in the Valencian-speaking region, understand written Valencian.