Diferència entre les revisions de "MediaWiki:Monobook.css"

De L'Enciclopèdia, la wikipedia en valencià
Anar a la navegació Anar a la busca
m (Revertides les edicions de Valencian (discussió); s'ha recuperat l'última versió de Admin)
(No es mostren 6 edicions intermiges d'2 usuaris)
Llínea 6: Llínea 6:
/* Orange "You have new messages" changed */
/* Orange "You have new messages" changed */
body.page-Portada h1.firstHeading { display:none; }
.usermessage {
.usermessage {
     background: url('http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/360%C2%B0_Panorama_vom_Ahrensfelder_Berg.jpg') repeat-x center;
     background: url('http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/360%C2%B0_Panorama_vom_Ahrensfelder_Berg.jpg') repeat-x center;
Llínea 171: Llínea 172:
/* Space for testing below */
/* Space for testing below */
/* Style discussion */
.ns-1 dd, .ns-3 dd, .ns-5 dd, .ns-7 dd, .ns-9 dd, .ns-11 dd, .ns-13 dd, .ns-15 dd, .ns-101 dd, .ns-103 dd
  margin: 0 0 1em 0;
  padding: 0;
.ns-1 dl, .ns-3 dl, .ns-5 dl, .ns-7 dl, .ns-9 dl, .ns-11 dl, .ns-13 dl, .ns-15 dl, .ns-101 dl, .ns-103 dl
  border-top: solid 1px #F0F080;
  border-left: solid 1px #F0F080;
  padding-top: 0.5em;
  padding-left: 0.5em;
  margin: 0 0 0 1em;
.ns-1 dl, .ns-3 dl, .ns-5 dl, .ns-7 dl, .ns-9 dl, .ns-11 dl, .ns-13 dl, .ns-15 dl, .ns-101 dl, .ns-103 dl
{ background-color: #FFFFE0; }
.ns-1 dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFEE; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl
{  background-color: #FFFFE0; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFEE; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFE0; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl dl dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFEE; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFE0; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFEE; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFE0; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFEE; }

Última revisió del 14:39 11 oct 2010

/* If you copy this, please include the following line: */
    /* Stolen from [[User:Animum/monobook.css]] */
/* Thank you. */
/* Orange "You have new messages" changed */
body.page-Portada h1.firstHeading { display:none; }
.usermessage {
    background: url('http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/360%C2%B0_Panorama_vom_Ahrensfelder_Berg.jpg') repeat-x center;
    border: 1px solid silver;
    color: #5A3696;
    font-weight: bold;
    margin: 2em 0em 1em 0em;
    padding: 0.5em 1em;
    vertical-align: middle;
.usermessage a {
/* "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" modification */
#siteSub {
    font-family:Trebuchet MS;
    font-size: 95%;
/* Text alignment */
body.mediawiki {
    text-align: left;
/* Tab rounding */
#p-cactions ul li, #p-cactions ul li a 
  -moz-border-radius-topright: 0.5em;
/*  -moz-border-radius-topleft: 0.5em; */

/* Replace dotted borders on pre with a solid one. */
#bodyContent pre {
    border: 1px solid #aaa;
/* Miscellaneous Corner-rounding */
div.pBody {
#content {
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#footer {
    -moz-border-radius: 6px;
    border:1px solid #fabd23;
/* Link customization */
#bodyContent a:active { font-weight: normal; }
#bodyContent a.interwiki, a.external { color: #002bb8; background:none; }}
#bodyContent a.text { background: display; }
/* Some editing screen modifications */
/*#editpage-copywarn3, #editpage-copywarn2, #editpage-copywarn {
    display: none;
} */
input#wpSummary {
    width: 50%;
    margin-top: 12px;
.editHelp {
#wpSave, #wpPreview {
#previewnote {
    text-decoration: blink;

#protectedpagewarning { 
    margin: 0 0 1em; 
    padding: .6em .6em; 
    vertical-align: middle; 
    border: solid #aaaaaa 1px;
#longpagewarning {
/* Get RID of that annoying fund raiser advert */
#siteNotice {
/* Admin tools link fixer */
#adminbarlinks a:visited {
/* Patrolled pages fixer */
.patrollink {
li.not-patrolled {
/* Nice borders for (almost) all boxes */
input[type="checkbox"] { border:none; }
input[type="submit"] {
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/* make round corners for the rest */
input[type="submit"] {
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   -moz-border-radius-topright: 2px !important;
   -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 2px;
   -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 2px;
input[type="submit"] {color: #aaa !important;}
input[type="submit"]:hover, input[type="submit"]:focus {background-color: #fff !important; color: #000 !important; cursor: pointer !important;}
/* For use with my monobook */
.ns-0 * .tabmenu ul li {
    background: white !important;
/* Prettify the headers of the quickbar (left-hand column of boxes) */
#p-navigation h5, #p-interaction h5, #p-search h5, #p-tb h5, #p-navclone h5, #p-lang h5 {
    display: inline;
    height: 1em;
    font-size: 91%;
    font-weight: normal;
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    border-style: solid solid none solid;
    padding: 0 1em 1px 1em;
    text-transform: lowercase;
    background: white;
#p-navigation, #p-interaction, #p-search, #p-tb, #p-navclone, #p-lang {
    padding-top: 2px;
/* Diff screen changes */
del.diffchange.diffchange-inline, ins.diffchange.diffchange-inline { border:none; }
/* Space for testing below */

/* Style discussion */
.ns-1 dd, .ns-3 dd, .ns-5 dd, .ns-7 dd, .ns-9 dd, .ns-11 dd, .ns-13 dd, .ns-15 dd, .ns-101 dd, .ns-103 dd
   margin: 0 0 1em 0;
   padding: 0;
.ns-1 dl, .ns-3 dl, .ns-5 dl, .ns-7 dl, .ns-9 dl, .ns-11 dl, .ns-13 dl, .ns-15 dl, .ns-101 dl, .ns-103 dl
   border-top: solid 1px #F0F080; 
   border-left: solid 1px #F0F080; 
   padding-top: 0.5em; 
   padding-left: 0.5em; 
   margin: 0 0 0 1em;
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{ background-color: #FFFFE0; }
.ns-1 dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFEE; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl
{  background-color: #FFFFE0; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFEE; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFE0; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl dl dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFEE; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFE0; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFEE; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFE0; }
.ns-1 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-3 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-5 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-7 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-9 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-11 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-13 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-15 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-101 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl, .ns-103 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl
{ background-color: #FFFFEE; }