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Pàgina nova, en el contingut: «thumb|250px|Ernst Mayr en 1994 '''Ernst Walter Mayr''' (Kempten, Alemanya; 5 de juliol de 1904 – Bedford, Mass...»
[[Image:Ernst Mayr PLoS.jpg|thumb|250px|Ernst Mayr en 1994]]
'''Ernst Walter Mayr''' ([[Kempten]], [[Alemanya]]; [[5 de juliol]] de [[1904]] – Bedford, [[Massachusetts]], [[Estats Units]]; [[3 de febrer]] de [[2005]]) fon un dels més notables [[biologia evolutiva|biòlecs evolutius]] del [[sigle XX]]. Fon, ademés un *renombrado [[taxonomia|taxònom]], explorador dels tròpics, [[ornitologia|ornitòlec]], [[història de la ciència|historiador de la ciència]] i [[naturalista]]. La seua obra contribuí a la revolució conceptual que portà a la síntesis moderna de la [[teoria de l'evolució]] i al desenroll del concepte biològic d'[[espècie]].

== Obres ==

=== Llibres ===

* 1942 ''Systematics and the Origin of Species''. Columbia University Press. New York. ISBN 0-674-86250-3
* 1953 con E G Linsley y R L Usinger. ''Methods and Principles of Systematica Zoology''. McGraw-Hill, New York. 328 pàgs.
* 1963 ''Animal Species and Evolution''. Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-03750-2
* 1970 ''Populations, Species and Evolution''. Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-69013-3
* 1976 ''Evolution and the Diversity of Life: Selected Essays''. Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-27105-X
* 1982 ''The Growth of Biological Thought: Diversity, Evolution and Inheritance''. Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-36446-5
* 1988 ''Toward a New Philosophy of Biology: Observations of an Evolutionist''. Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-89666-1
* 1991 con P Ashlock ''Principles of Systematic Zoology'' revised ed. McGraw-Hill, NY. ISBN 0-07-041144-1
* 1991 ''One Long Argument: Charles Darwin and the Genesis of Modern Evolutionary Thought''. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. ISBN 0-674-63906-5
* 1997 ''This is Biology: The Science of the Living World''. Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-88469-8
* 2001 con [[Jared Diamond]]. ''Birds of Northern Melanesia: Speciation, Ecology and Biogeography''. Oxford University Press, NY. ISBN 0-19-514170-9
* 2001 ''What Evolution Is''. Basic Books. New York. ISBN 0-465-04426-3
* 2004 ''What makes biology unique? Considerations on the Autonomy of a Scientific Discipline''. Cambridge University Press. New York. ISBN 0-521-84114-3

=== Artículs ===
* 1923 "Die Kolbenente (''Nyroca rufina'') auf dem Durchzuge in Sachsen". ''Ornithologische Monatsberichte'' 31:135-136
* 1923 "Der Zwergfliegenschapper bei Greifswald". ''Ornithologische Monatsberichte'' 31:136
* 1926 "Die Ausbreitung des Girlitz (''Serinus canaria serinus'' L.) Ein Beitrag zur Tiergeographie". ''J. fur Ornithologie'' 74:571-671
* 1927 "Die Schneefinken (Gattungen ''Montifringilla'' und ''Leucosticte'')" ''J. für Ornithologie'' 75:596-619
* 1929 with W Meise. ''Zeitschriftenverzeichnis des Museums fur Naturkunde Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin'' 14:1-187
* 1930 (by [[Ernst Hartert]]) "List of birds collected by Ernst Mayr". ''Ornithologische Monatsberichte'' 36:27-128
* 1930 "My Dutch New Guinea Expedition". 1928. ''Ornithologische Monatsberichte'' 36:20-26
* 1931 ''Die Vogel des Saurwagedund Herzoggebirges (NO Neuginea) Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin'' 17:639-723
* 1931 "Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XII Notes on ''Halcyon chloris'' and some of its subspecies". ''American Museum Novitates'' no 469
* 1932 [ "A tenderfoot explorer in New Guinea"] ''Natural History'' 32:83-97
* 1935 "Bernard Altum and the territory theory". ''Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New York'' 45, 46:24-38
* 1940 "Speciation phenomena in birds". ''American Naturalist'' 74:249-278
* 1941 "Borders and subdivision of the Polynesian region as based on our knowledge of the distribution of birds". ''Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Scientific Congress'' 4:191-195
* 1941 "The origin and history of the bird fauna of Polynesia". ''Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Scientific Congress'' 4:197-216
* 1943 "A journey to the Solomons". ''Natural History'' 52:30-37,48
* 1944 "Wallace's Line in the light of recent zoogeographics studies". ''Quarterly Review of Biology'' 19:1-14
* 1944 "The birds of Timor and Sumba". ''Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History'' 83:123-194
* 1944 "Timor and the colonization of Australia by birds". ''Emu'' 44:113-130
* 1946 [ "History of the North American bird fauna"] ''Wilson Bulletin'' 58:3-41
* 1946 "The naturalist in Leidy's time and today". ''Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia'' 98:271-276
* 1947 "Ecological factors in speciation". ''Evolution'' 1:263-288
* 1948 "The new Sanford Hall". ''Natural History'' 57:248-254
* 1950 ''The role of the antennae in the mating behavior of female Drosophila''. Evolution 4:149-154
* 1951 ''Introduction and Conclusion. Pages 85,255-258 in The problem of land connections across the South Atlantic with special reference to the Mesozoic''. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 99:79-258
* 1951 with [[Dean Amadon]], "A classification of recent birds". ''American Museum Novitates'' no. 1496
* 1954 "Changes in genetic environment and evolution". Pages 157-180 in ''Evolution as a Process'' (J Huxley, A C Hardy and E B Ford Eds) Allen and Unwin. London
* 1955 "Karl Jordan's contribution to current concepts in systematics and evolution". ''Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London'' 107:45-66
* 1956 with C B Rosen. "Geographic variation and hybridization in populations of Bahama snails (''Cerion'')". ''American Museum Novitates'' no 1806.
* 1957 "Species concepts and definitions". Pages 371-388 in ''The Species Problem'' (E. Mayr ed). AAAS, Washington DC.
* 1959 "The emergence of evolutionary novelties". Pages 349-380 in ''The Evolution of Life: Evolution after Darwin, vol 1'' (S. Tax, ed) University of Chicago.
* 1959 "Darwin and the evolutionary theory in Biology". Pages 1-10 in ''Evolution and Anthropology: A Centennial Appraisal'' (B J Meggers, Ed) The Anthropological Society of Washington, Washington DC.
* 1959 "Agassiz, Darwin, and Evolution". ''Harvard Library Bulletin''. 13:165-194
* 1961 "Cause and effect in biology: Kinds of causes, predictability, and teleology are viewed by a practicing biologist". ''Science'' 134:1501-1506
* 1962 "Accident or design: The paradox of evolution". Pages 1-14 in ''The Evolution of Living Organisms'' (G W Leeper, Ed) Melbourne University Press.
* 1964 Introduction, Bibliography and Subject Pages vii-xxviii, 491-513 in ''On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, by Charles Darwin''. A Facsimile of the First Edition. Harvard University Press.
* 1965 ''Comments. In Proceedings of the Boston Colloguium for the Philosophy of Science, 1962-1964''. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 2:151-156
* 1969 ''Discussion: Footnotes on the philosophy of biology''. Philosophy of Science 36:197-202
* 1972 ''Continental drift and the history of the Australian bird fauna''. Emu 72:26-28
* 1972 ''Geography and ecology as faunal determinants''. Pages 549-561 in Proceedings XVth International Ornithological Congress (K H Voous, Ed) E J Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands
* 1972 ''Lamarck revisited''. J. of the History of Biology. 5:55-94
* 1974 ''[ Teleological and teleonomic: A new analysis]''. Boston studies in the Philosophy of Science 14:91-117
* 1978 ''Tenure: A sacred cow?'' Sci. 199:1293
* 1980 ''How I became a Darwinian, pp. 413-423 in The Evolutionary Synthesis'' (E Mayr and W Provine, Eds) Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
* 1980 with W B Provine, Eds. ''The Evolutionary Synthesis''. Harvard University Press.
* 1981 ''Evolutionary biology. Pages 147-162 in The Joys of Research'' (W. Shripshire Jr, Ed.) Smithsonian Institution Press.
* 1984 ''Evolution and ethics. Pages 35-46 in Darwin, Mars and Freud: Their influence on Moral Theory'' (A L Caplan and B Jennings, Eds.) Plenum Press, New York
* 1985. Darwin's five theories of evolution. In D. Kohn, ed., ''The Darwinian Heritage'', Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, pp. 755-772
* 1985. How biology differs from the physical sciences. In D. J. Depew and B H Weber, eds., ''Evolution at a Crossroads: The New Biology and the New Philosophy of Science'', Cambridge MA: The MIT Press, pp. 43-63
* 1988. The why and how of species. ''Biology and Philosophy'' 3:431-441
* 1992. The idea of teleology. ''J. of the History of Ideas'' 53:117-135
* 1994. with W.J. Bock. Provisional classifications v. standard avian sequences: heurisitics and communication in ornithology. ''Ibis'' 136:12-18
* 1996. [ What is a species, and what is not?] ''Philosophy of Science'' 63 (junio): 262-277.
* 1996. [ The autonomy of biology: the position of biology among the sciences]. ''Quarterly Review of Biology'' 71:97-106
* 1997. [ The objects of selection] ''Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA'' 94 (March): 2091-94.
* 1999. [ Darwin's influence on modern thought] Crafoord Prize lecture, 23 de septiembre 1999
* 2000. [ Biology in the Twenty-First Century] ''Bioscience'' 50 (oct. 2000): 895-897.
* 2001. [ The philosophical foundations of Darwinism] ''Proc. of the American Philosophical Society'' 145:488-495
* 2002. with Walter J Bock. Classifications and other ordering systems. ''Zeitschrift Zool. Syst. Evolut-Forsch''. 40:1-25

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