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Llínea 13: Llínea 13:
* Gabbay, D.M., and Guenthner, F. (editors, 2001-2005), ''Handbook of Philosophical Logic'', 13 vols., 2nd edition, Kluwer Publishers, Dordrecht.
* Gabbay, D.M., and Guenthner, F. (editors, 2001-2005), ''Handbook of Philosophical Logic'', 13 vols., 2nd edition, Kluwer Publishers, Dordrecht.
* [[Vincent F. Hendricks]], ''Thought 2 Talk: A Crash Course in Reflection and Expression'', New York: Automatic Press / VIP, 2005, ISBN 87-991013-7-8.
* [[Vincent F. Hendricks]], ''Thought 2 Talk: A Crash Course in Reflection and Expression'', New York: Automatic Press / VIP, 2005, ISBN 87-991013-7-8.
* [[David Hilbert|Hilbert, D.]], and [[Wilhelm Ackermann|Ackermann, W]]. (1928), ''Grundzüge der theoretischen Logik'' (''[[Principles of Theoretical Logic]] ''), Springer-Verlag. [http://worldcat.org/oclc/2085765 OCLC 2085765]
* [[David Hilbert|Hilbert, D.]], and [[Wilhelm Ackermann|Ackermann, W]]. (1928), ''Grundzüge der theoretischen Logik'' (''[[Principles of Theoretical Logic]]''), Springer-Verlag. [http://worldcat.org/oclc/2085765 OCLC 2085765]
* Hodges, W. (2001), ''Logic. An introduction to Elementary Logic'', Penguin Books.
* Hodges, W. (2001), ''Logic. An introduction to Elementary Logic'', Penguin Books.
* Hofweber, T. (2004), "Logic and Ontology", ''[[Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy]] '', [[Edward N. Zalta]] (ed.), [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-ontology/ Eprint].
* Hofweber, T. (2004), "Logic and Ontology", ''[[Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy]]'', [[Edward N. Zalta]] (ed.), [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-ontology/ Eprint].
* Hughes, R.I.G. (ed., 1993), ''A Philosophical Companion to First-Order Logic'', Hackett Publishing.
* Hughes, R.I.G. (ed., 1993), ''A Philosophical Companion to First-Order Logic'', Hackett Publishing.
* [[William Kneale|Kneale, William]], and [[Martha Kneale|Kneale, Martha]], (1962), ''The Development of Logic'', Oxford University Press, London, UK.
* [[William Kneale|Kneale, William]], and [[Martha Kneale|Kneale, Martha]], (1962), ''The Development of Logic'', Oxford University Press, London, UK.

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