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Llínea 21: Llínea 21:  
* D'Arbois de Jubainville, H. «El Ciclo Mitológico irlandés y la mitología céltica». Barcelona, 1987
* D'Arbois de Jubainville, H. «El Ciclo Mitológico irlandés y la mitología céltica». Barcelona, 1987
* Echard, S., Arthurian Narrative in the Latin Tradition, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998
* Echard, S., Arthurian Narrative in the Latin Tradition, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998
* Green, Miranda. Symbol and image in celtic religious art. Routledge. Nueva York: 2004. pp. 88 - 89
* Mircea Eliade, A History of Religious Ideas, Vol. 2. University of Chicago Press (1982). § 171
* Mircea Eliade, A History of Religious Ideas, Vol. 2. University of Chicago Press (1982). § 171
* Monaghan, Patricia (2009), The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore, Infobase Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4381-1037-0
* Monaghan, Patricia (2009), The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore, Infobase Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4381-1037-0
* Rider, Jeff, The fictional margin: The Merlin of the Brut, Modern Philology, 1989, University of Chicago Press
* Ritson, Joseph, Life of King Arthur From Ancient Historians and Authentic Documents, 1825
* Ritson, Joseph, Life of King Arthur From Ancient Historians and Authentic Documents, 1825
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