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¡Crea la pàgina "John Constable" en L'Enciclopèdia en valencià!
- * [[John Constable]] * [[John Stuart Mill]]2 kB (243 paraules) - 18:49 5 jul 2024
- …Arts as Aspects of a Renaissance: Rome and Italy'']. In Benson, Robert L.; Constable, Giles & Lanham, Carol Dana. ''Renaissance and renewal in the twelfth centu …&id=R8H82lJHtF4C&pg=PA18 De Carolis, Ernesto. pp. 26-28]</ref><ref>Clarke, John R. (2003) [ kB (376 paraules) - 18:37 28 set 2019
- [[Archiu:Tillington Church by John Constable 1834.jpg|thumb|[[John Constable]] ''Iglésia de Tillington'', aquarela, 1834.]] …([[1599]]-[[1641]]), [[Thomas Gainsborough]] ([[1727]]-[[1788]]), i [[John Constable]] ([[1776]]-[[1837]]).8 kB (1229 paraules) - 15:29 28 ago 2023
- * Oppenheimer, Stephen. ''The Origins of the British''(2006). Constable and Robinson, London. ISBN 1-84529-158-1. * Hines, John. ''The Anglo-Saxons from the Migration period to the eighth century''. San3 kB (441 paraules) - 15:30 28 ago 2023
- * France, John: ''Victory in the East: a Military History of the First Crusade''. Cambridg * Constable, Giles: "The Second Crusade as Seen by Contemporaries." Traditio 9 (1953):7 kB (933 paraules) - 18:11 18 oct 2024
- …}.</ref>. No obstant, Turner és reconegut com un geni: el crític anglés, [[John Ruskin]], va descriure a Turner com l'artiste «''que més commovedorament Turner, junt en [[John Constable]], va ser un estandart de la pintura anglesa en els seus últims anys<ref>h16 kB (2471 paraules) - 12:59 28 ago 2023