Llínea 1:
Llínea 1:
[[Image:L'Enciclopedia.png|thumb|250px|right|Logo of L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian language]]
[[Image:L'Enciclopedia.png|thumb|250px|thumb|200px|Logo of L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian language]]
[[L'Enciclopèdia|L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian]] is an [[enciclopèdia|encyclopedia]] on internet that was created following the stocks in the technology [[wiki]], which is defined as the free encyclopedia in [[Llengua Valenciana|Valencian language]]. L'Enciclopèdia in valencian uses a free software called [https://www.mediawiki.org/ MediaWiki]. L'Enciclopèdia in valencian and the website ''www.lenciclopedia.org'' are not a part of the [[Fundació Wikimedia|Wikimedia Foundation]], provider of this free software.
[[L'Enciclopèdia en valencià|L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian]] is an [[enciclopèdia|encyclopedia]] on internet that was created following the stocks in the technology [[wiki]], which is defined as the free encyclopedia in [[Idioma valencià|Valencian language]]. L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian uses a free software called [https://www.mediawiki.org/ MediaWiki]. L'Enciclopèdia in valencian and the website ''www.lenciclopedia.org'' are not a part of the [[Fundació Wikimedia|Wikimedia Foundation]], provider of this free software.
L'Enciclopèdia in valencian was created on [[2 de decembre|December 2]], [[2007]]. L'Enciclopèdia is the '''only encyclopedia in Valencian that exists in internet''' and the only encyclopedia that uses a '''Valencian orthographic rule''' for the Valencian, the orthographic rules of [[Normes d'El Puig]] of the [[Real Acadèmia de Cultura Valenciana|Royal Academy of Valencian Culture]], dated from [[1981]]. It's also the only encyclopedia produced '''from the [[Comunitat Valenciana|Valencian Community]]''' with a Valencian perspective and aimed at a Valencian audience.
L'Enciclopèdia in valencian was created on [[2 de decembre|December 2]], [[2007]]. L'Enciclopèdia is the '''only encyclopedia in Valencian that exists in internet''' and the only encyclopedia that uses a '''Valencian orthographic rules''' for the Valencian, the [[Normes d'El Puig]] of the [[Real Acadèmia de Cultura Valenciana|Royal Academy of Valencian Culture]], dated from [[1981]]. It's also the only encyclopedia writed '''in Valencian from the [[Comunitat Valenciana|Valencian Community]]''', with a Valencian perspective and aimed at a Valencian audience.
'''L'Enciclopèdia''' aims to create a great free encyclopedia in Valencian and spread the Valencian language through the internet. This project aims to make an electronic encyclopedia in Valencian content free and open to all. Most of the content can be improved by anyone accessing [[L'Enciclopèdia]].
'''L'Enciclopèdia''' aims to create a great free encyclopedia in Valencian and spread the Valencian language through the internet. This project aims to make an electronic encyclopedia in Valencian, free and open to all. Most of the content can be improved by anyone accessing [[L'Enciclopèdia en valencià]].
== Historical evolution ==
With your help and collaboration L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian will have many more articles and information. Every day, many collaborators make dozens of editions and create new articles in L'Enciclopèdia.
* The first user registered in [[L'Enciclopèdia]] was probably [[Usuari:Ssurfer|SSurfer]]. The first active users to edit the first articles were [[Usuari:Ssurfer|SSurfer]] and [[Usuari:Mixalberto|Mixalberto]].
* In July 2008 the first meeting between collaborators of L'Enciclopèdia was held in Valencia.
== L'Enciclopèdia Embassy ==
[[Image:Gtk-dialog-info.svg|20px]] '''Embassy / Embajada / Ambassade / Embaixada / Botschaft / Ambasciata'''
* [[Image:Flag of the United Kingdom (1-2).svg|20px]] If you don't speak Valencian language and do you need any kind of help, it may be helpful to visit [[Proyecte:Embaixada|L'Enciclopèdia Embassy]].
* You can use [[Plantilla:Welcome|L'Enciclopèdia Template in English for users]] in your talk page.
* [[Image:Flag_of_France.svg|20px]] Si vous ne parlez pas langue valencienne et que vous avez besoin d’aide, vous pouvez la demander à [[Proyecte:Embaixada|L'Ambassade de L'Enciclopèdia]].
* [[L'Enciclopèdia en valencien|Article en français sur L’Enciclopèdia en valencien]]
* The project has evolved as new users and collaborators have been incorporated that have enabled it to provide more content and updates.
== Historical evolution ==
[[Image:L'enciclopedia logo 10 anys.png|right|200px|thumb|Logo of L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian in December 2017, celebrating 10 years since its foundation.]]
* The first user registered in [[L'Enciclopèdia en valencià]] was probably [[Usuari:Ssurfer|SSurfer]]. The first active users to edit the first articles were [[Usuari:Ssurfer|SSurfer]] and [[Usuari:Mixalberto|Mixalberto]].
June 18, 2009 arrives up to 5.000 articles, being the article "[[Sigle d'Or valencià|The Valencian Golden literature century]]". <Ref> [http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2009/06/19/ciudadanovalencia/1245395344.html Spanish newspaper "El Mundo" about the L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian] </ref>
* In July 2008 the first [[Proyecte:Café|meeting]] between [[Proyecte:Enciclopedistes|encyclopedists]] of L'Enciclopèdia was held in [[Valencia]].
* The project has been evolving as new users and [[Proyecte:Enciclopedistes|encyclopedists]] have been incorporated, which have allowed it to be provided with more content and updates.
In a hypothetical classification close to the encyclopedias of the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation Wikimedia Foundation] would be in a position '''110''' of '''271''' encyclopedias, having the L'Enciclopèdia in valencian more articles that 161 encyclopedias of the above mentioned foundation, that is to say, it possesses more articles that the majority of encyclopedias of the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation Wikimedia Foundation] overcoming more than '''58%'''.
In a hypothetical classification close to the encyclopedias of the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation Wikimedia Foundation] would be in a position '''110''' of '''271''' encyclopedias, having the L'Enciclopèdia in valencian more articles that 161 encyclopedias of the above mentioned foundation, that is to say, it possesses more articles that the majority of encyclopedias of the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation Wikimedia Foundation] overcoming more than '''58%'''.
Llínea 28:
Llínea 36:
=== Historical record of articles ===
=== Historical record of articles ===
[[Image:L'enciclopedia 15000.png|right|200px|thumb|Logo of L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian commemorating the edition of article number 15,000.]]
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! style="background:#efefef;" | Date
! style="background:#efefef;" | Date
Llínea 88:
Llínea 98:
| align="center" | September 14, 2022
| align="center" | September 14, 2022
| align="center" | 25.000
| align="center" | 25.000
| align="center" | October 21, 2023
| align="center" | 30.000
| align="center" | August 31, 2024
| align="center" | 35.000
*For more information, please consult the '''[[Especial:Statistics|Statistics]] ''' of [[L'Enciclopèdia]] in Valencian.
*For more information, please consult the '''[[Especial:Statistics|Statistics]] ''' of [[L'Enciclopèdia en valencià]] in Valencian.
== Varieties of the language in L'Enciclopèdia ==
In the articles relating to places, cultures or typical elements between others, of a concrete place, always respecting the procedure of the [[Real Acadèmia de Cultura Valenciana|Royal Academy of Valencian Culture]] <ref> [http://www.lenciclopedia.org/L'Enciclopèdia Definition of L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian]</ref>, can be in use the local dialect.
== Ideology ==
L'Enciclopèdia is defined as a free encyclopedia in Valencian language that everyone can edit all and in the responsibility of the page says expressly that it is not a project of partisan but impartial ideology and written entirely in Valencian, in addition asks that in case of finding some sample of partisan ideology, it to denounce the managers and will be withdrawn as rapidly as possible.
To be able to write in the above mentioned encyclopedia, one does not ask to have any ideology, any person is free to begin and write, providing that he does it respecting the orthographic rules of the [[RACV|Royal Academy of Valencian Culture]].
To be able to write in the above mentioned encyclopedia, one does not ask to have any ideology, any person is free to begin and write, providing that he does it respecting the orthographic rules of the Royal Academy of Valencian Culture for the [[Llengua Valenciana|Valencian language]].
== L'Enciclopèdia mobile version ==
== L'Enciclopèdia mobile version ==
Llínea 107:
Llínea 113:
== L'Enciclopèdia on social networks ==
== L'Enciclopèdia on social networks ==
'''L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian''' has more than 5,000 followers on social networks and is present in [[facebook]] and [[twitter]] since 2011 and [[instagram]] since 2016. If you wish, you can click on the following links and join the social networks of L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian:
'''L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian''' has more than 5,000 followers on social networks and is present in [[facebook]], [[twitter]] and [[instagram]]. If you wish, you can click on the following links and join the social networks of L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian:
*[https://www.facebook.com/lenciclopediaenvalencia L'Enciclopèdia facebook page]
*[https://www.facebook.com/lenciclopediaenvalencia L'Enciclopèdia facebook page]
*[https://www.twitter.com/l_enciclopedia L'Enciclopèdia twitter profile]
*[https://www.twitter.com/l_enciclopedia L'Enciclopèdia twitter profile]
Llínea 114:
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== L'Enciclopèdia on mass media ==
== L'Enciclopèdia on mass media ==
Summary of news about L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian on the mass media and internet websites.
Summary of news about L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian on the mass media and internet websites.
*[https://valencianews.es/cultura/lenciclopedia-supera-els-25-000-articuls-i-impartira-conferencies-en-les-entitats-valencianistes-en-motiu-del-seu-15o-aniversari/ L’Enciclopèdia supera els 25.000 artículs en motiu del seu 15º aniversari] on [[Valencia News]]
*[https://valencianews.es/cultura/lenciclopedia-supera-els-25-000-articuls-i-impartira-conferencies-en-les-entitats-valencianistes-en-motiu-del-seu-15o-aniversari/ L’Enciclopèdia supera els 25.000 artículs en motiu del seu 15º aniversari] on [[Valencia News]] {{va}}
*[https://www.elperiodic.com/wikipedia-valenciana-supera-25000-articulos_852998 L'Enciclopèdia valenciana supera los 25.000 artículos] El Periodic.com
*[https://www.elperiodic.com/wikipedia-valenciana-supera-25000-articulos_852998 L'Enciclopèdia valenciana supera los 25.000 artículos] El Periodic.com {{es}}
*[https://www.elperiodicodeaqui.com/epda-noticias/l-enciclopedia-en-valencia-supera-els-25-000-articuls/295950 L'Enciclopèdia en valencià supera els 25.000 artículs] Elperiodicodeaqui.com
*[https://www.elperiodicodeaqui.com/epda-noticias/l-enciclopedia-en-valencia-supera-els-25-000-articuls/295950 L'Enciclopèdia en valencià supera els 25.000 artículs] Elperiodicodeaqui.com {{va}}
* [https://www.culturavalenciana.es/lenciclopedia-ya-te-mes-de-25-000-articuls-en-valencia/ L’Enciclopèdia ya té més de 25.000 artículs en valencià] Culturavalenciana.com
* [https://www.culturavalenciana.es/lenciclopedia-ya-te-mes-de-25-000-articuls-en-valencia/ L’Enciclopèdia ya té més de 25.000 artículs en valencià] Culturavalenciana.com {{va}}
* [https://www.culturavalenciana.es/lenciclopedia-en-valencia-ya-te-mes-de-17-000-articuls/ L’Enciclopèdia ya té més de 17.000 artículs escrits en valencià] Culturavalenciana.com
* [https://www.culturavalenciana.es/lenciclopedia-en-valencia-ya-te-mes-de-17-000-articuls/ L’Enciclopèdia ya té més de 17.000 artículs escrits en valencià] Culturavalenciana.com {{va}}
*[https://www.elconfidencialautonomico.com/comunidad_valenciana/Wikipedia-valenciano-convierte-LEnciclopedia_0_3051894802.html La Wikipedia en valenciano se convierte en L'Enciclopedia] El Confidencial Autonómico
*[https://www.elconfidencialautonomico.com/comunidad_valenciana/Wikipedia-valenciano-convierte-LEnciclopedia_0_3051894802.html La Wikipedia en valenciano se convierte en L'Enciclopedia] El Confidencial Autonómico {{es}}
*[http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2009/06/19/ciudadanovalencia/1245395344.html L'Enciclopèdia alcanza los 5000 artículos - El Mundo]
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20201123213032/https://elperiodicodevalencia.com/20200629/la-wikipedia-en-valenciano-lenciclopedia-supera-los-15-000-articulos/ L’Enciclopèdia en valenciano supera los 15.000 artículos]. El Periódico de Valencia {{es}}
*[http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2009/06/19/ciudadanovalencia/1245395344.html L'Enciclopèdia alcanza los 5000 artículos - El Mundo] {{es}}
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20120822211406/http://www.valenciauniversitaria.org/contingut/uiquipedia-lenciclopedia-lliure-valencia-alcanca-5000-articuls L'Enciclopèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure en valencià, alcança els 5000 artículs] [[Valencia Universitaria]] {{Archivat}}
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20120822211406/http://www.valenciauniversitaria.org/contingut/uiquipedia-lenciclopedia-lliure-valencia-alcanca-5000-articuls L'Enciclopèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure en valencià, alcança els 5000 artículs] [[Valencia Universitaria]] {{Archivat}}
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20090624185435/https://portaldexativa.es/uiquipedia-lenciclopedia-lliure-en-valencia-alcanca-els-5000-articuls/ L'Enciclopèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure en valencià, alcança els 5000 artículs - PortaldeXativa.es] {{Archivat}}
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20090624185435/https://portaldexativa.es/uiquipedia-lenciclopedia-lliure-en-valencia-alcanca-els-5000-articuls/ L'Enciclopèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure en valencià, alcança els 5000 artículs - PortaldeXativa.es] {{Archivat}}
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20090622075829/http://noticias.charramonover.com/2009/06/uiquipedia-alcanza-los-5000-articulos.html L'Enciclopèdia alcanza los 5000 artículos en Valenciano - Charramonover.com] {{Archivat}}
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20090622075829/http://noticias.charramonover.com/2009/06/uiquipedia-alcanza-los-5000-articulos.html L'Enciclopèdia alcanza los 5000 artículos en Valenciano - Charramonover.com] {{Archivat}}
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20090703174509/http://www.socdantella.com/?p=101 L'Enciclopèdia conseguix els 5000 artículs - Socdantella.com] {{Archivat}}
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20090703174509/http://www.socdantella.com/?p=101 L'Enciclopèdia conseguix els 5000 artículs - Socdantella.com] {{Archivat}}
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20090518120109/mas.levante-emv.com/participacion/ciudadanos/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=997 L'Enciclopèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure en valencià, arriba als 1000 artículs - Levante-EMV] {{Archivat}}.
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20090518120109/mas.levante-emv.com/participacion/ciudadanos/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=997 L'Enciclopèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure en valencià, arriba als 1000 artículs - Levante-EMV] {{Archivat}}
== Activities of L'Enciclopèdia ==
* In July 2008 the first [[Proyecte:Café|meeting]] between [[Proyecte:Enciclopedistes|encyclopedists]] of L'Enciclopèdia was held in [[Valencia]].
* L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian participated with a presentation at the [[Encontre de Noves Tecnologies en Llengua Valenciana|II Meeting of New Technologies in Valencian Language]] held on October 30, 2009 in the Llongeta de la CAM, in [[Valencia]], in which L'Enciclopèdia explained the project and work to all those attending.
* In November 2012, the second meeting between [[Proyecte:Enciclopedistes|encyclopedists]] from L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian was held.
== Distinction of the Royal Academy of Valencian Culture ==
[[Archiu:RACV22.jpg|thumb|250px|Distinction of the Royal Academy of Valencian Culture to L'Enciclopèdia]]
On the occasion of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Valencian orthographic rules [[Normes d'El Puig]], the [[Real Acadèmia de Cultura Valenciana|Royal Academy of Valencian Culture]] awarded [[L'Enciclopèdia en valencià]] on April 6, 2022 with a diploma ''"in recognition of its valuable contribution to the development, use and consolidation of the [[Idioma valencià|Valencian language]] and the rules of Normes d'El Puig"''.
== Varieties of the language in L'Enciclopèdia ==
In the articles relating to places, cultures or typical elements between others, of a concrete place, always respecting the procedure of the [[Real Acadèmia de Cultura Valenciana|Royal Academy of Valencian Culture]] <ref> [http://www.lenciclopedia.org/L'Enciclopèdia Definition of L'Enciclopèdia in Valencian]</ref>, can be in use the local dialect.
== Ideology ==
L'Enciclopèdia is defined as a free encyclopedia in Valencian language that everyone can edit all and in the responsibility of [[L'Enciclopèdia en valencià]] says expressly that it is not a project of partisan but impartial ideology and written entirely in Valencian, in addition asks in case of finding some sample of partisan ideology, and denounce it to '''[https://www.lenciclopedia.org/w/index.php?title=Especial:LlistaUsuaris&group=sysop L'Enciclopèdia's sysops]''' and will be withdrawn as rapidly as possible.
To be able to write in the above mentioned encyclopedia, one does not ask to have any ideology, any person is free to begin and write, providing that he does it respecting the orthographic rules of the [[Normes d'El Puig]] of the [[RACV|Royal Academy of Valencian Culture]] for the [[Idioma valencià|Valencian language]].
== References ==
== See also ==
== See also ==
Llínea 131:
Llínea 158:
*[[Ajuda:Guia per a crear artículs|Guide to create articles in L'Enciclopèdia]]
*[[Ajuda:Guia per a crear artículs|Guide to create articles in L'Enciclopèdia]]
*[[Proyecte:Actualitat|Actuallity of L'Enciclopèdia]]
*[[Proyecte:Actualitat|Actuallity of L'Enciclopèdia]]
*[[Proyecte:Embaixada|Embassy / Ambassade]] : You don't speak Valencian language and need help? / Vous ne parlez pas valencien et avez besoin d'aide?
== References ==
== External links ==
*[https://ie.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27Enciclop%C3%A8dia Articles about L'Enciclopèdia on Wikipedia]