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107 bytes afegits ,  15:23 23 oct 2023
Llínea 214: Llínea 214:  
* Keaveney, Arthur (1987). Rome and the Unification of Italy. London: Croom Helm
* Keaveney, Arthur (1987). Rome and the Unification of Italy. London: Croom Helm
* Mack Smith, Denis. Modern Italy; A Political History. The University of Michigan Press
* Mack Smith, Denis. Modern Italy; A Political History. The University of Michigan Press
* Mallory, J.P. and D.Q. Adams, Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture. London: Fitzroy and Dearborn, 1997.
* Mommsen, Theodor (1855). History of Rome, Book II: From the Abolition of the Monarchy in Rome to the Union of Italy. Leipzig: Reimer & Hirsel
* Mommsen, Theodor (1855). History of Rome, Book II: From the Abolition of the Monarchy in Rome to the Union of Italy. Leipzig: Reimer & Hirsel
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